Possible future updates.

This is for a game jam so time is limited but in terms of things I'd like to add here is a quick list of things that come to mind:

- Add sfx for gravity connection being made.

- Add sfx for movement (probably something subtle).

- Add sfx for shooting while reloading.

- Mouse and keyboard support (this is pretty important I just didn't have time to get it working with the controllers).

- Lerp ship rotation a bit so it feels smoother, less jumpy.

- Tons of out-of-scope stuff like large obstacles that break into smaller ones when they're hit with a different variety of projectile.

- A lot more visual effects.

- I didn't get around to it but I planned to make it so the first shot was always out of the left part of the ship and once you locked on to one object you started shooting out of the right part of the ship. In general, it would've been nice to have an unobtrusive way to indicate you have a first shot locked in and you're now firing to hit a second object.

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